Monday, February 27, 2012

Winter Janboree - Downtown Waukesha

Last month, Hazel and myself went to the Waukesha Winter Janboree for a geocaching event!  We enjoyed the delicious breakfast of pancakes, applesauce and bacon and then were on our merry way.
We were excited!

After we found our 18 caches, we walked around downtown Waukesha to see all the ice sculptures that were being made.  (Sadly all the yarn-bombing artwork from the summer had been removed.)  It was a rather warm and sunny day so unfortunately some of the sculptures were melting as they were being created. 
 At a Penguin freezer

Anyhow we continued walking around downtown and we spotted a store with some very cute crocheted projects inside. There was a nice hat and a necklace.  It's always nice when you can find some crocheted work in your everyday life. 
Hazel wants to make this hat with fun-fur.

Let us know if you've found any cute crocheted projects near you!


  1. Great Blog as always! I'm going to look for something crocheted projects on my trip to Cancun. I'm determined to find something!

  2. Ooh, glad you liked it! I can't wait to see if Cancun has a different crochet style than here, so keep us posted!
