I believe my official title is Honorary Hump Day Hooker, but you can call me Saffron. I live about 5 hours away from the Hump Day Hooker Headquarters. So, back in February I was able to visit Crochet Town. (My permanent residence is Procrastinationville, hence the blog being written in April.) First stop was a coffee shop for Hooking in public.
I brought yarn that I had bought about a year ago, see the ‘What in Yarnation!’ blog. It was a very thick wool yarn and I used the stitch that Loretta taught me. It is a very complicated stitch… it is so complicated that I cannot even tell you the name of it. However, I think Hazel calls it a double stitch. I originally intended to make a scarf and wear it many different ways. I actually had this pin in mind when creating it. However, once I started crocheting the most complicated of all shapes, a skinny rectangle; I realized that the yarn was too thick. I would not be able to tie this scarf in a bow tie any time soon.
Second stop was my nephew’s basketball tournament. I continued making my scarf not really knowing where it was headed. I did know that I had at least three hours to decide though. Therefore, I just kept crocheting. During these three hours, I learned that Crochet Town is a very mean place. I was mocked by my mother, father, sister, and husband. Apparently being 26 and crocheting in public is frowned upon. I even had to take time away from my crocheting to try and convince my 10-year-old nephew that I was not pregnant. Apparently, public crocheting is an activity for pregnant women. My younger nephew and I quickly made up and he became my official yarn feeder, unrolling my yarn and feeding it to me so I can be the most efficient of crocheters.
The time quickly passed and I was running out of yarn. So I get a stroke of genius! (I have a vacation home in Modest City.) Infinity scarf, have you seen these? Basically, it is a glorified circle; but it is perfect. The scarf is too thick to tie in any way, so I sewed the ends close. Once I finished it I started modeling it for the crowd at the basketball game. All of a sudden, I was the envy of every mother old enough to have a child in 8th grade, including my sister. My mother, father, and husband also had a change of heart. Even both of my nephews thought I was cool again! Of course, my older nephew seemed slightly upset that I was crocheting during his basketball game, but he got over it once he saw my cool new scarf!
After the basketball game, it was back to Procrastinationville. I was very warm thanks to my scarf. I even have some extra yarn, enough to make a matching hat. I have my project for 2013!
Notice the pointing toes. I learned from America’s Next Top Model that it makes my legs look longer. Even though my legs look a mile long, the true star of this photo is the infinity scarf!
I scare myself sometimes.
My husband, Parley, showing an alternative way of wearing my infinity scarf.